Thursday, February 21, 2008

Posting 3

Fascinating animals

Koalas are marsupials, which are related to kangaroos. Mother koalas have pouches where their tiny newborns develop. The baby koalas are born blind and they use their smell and touch to tell which direction to head. The male koalas are larger than the female koalas and southern koalas weigh more than northern koalas. Koalas live mainly on trees and occasionally go to the ground for shade. Mature male koalas rub the brown scent glands found on the center of their white chests to mark their territory. The koala habitats are close to being destroyed and many people are trying to save them.

Chameleons are squamates that belong to one of the best-known lizard families. They have four legs and have five toes on each foot, of which are fused into groups of two or three, allowing them to grip tightly to narrow branches. They also have very long tongues which are capable of rapidly extending out of their mouths. Their upper eyelids and lower eyelids are joined, allowing only a small hole for them to see through. Their eyes can also observe two different objects at the same time. This helps it to catch its prey easily.

Wolves communicate to other animals through howling, whimpering, whining, growling, barking, yelping and snarling. They live in groups called packs and work together to hunt, raise their young and protect their territory. They use urine to mark their territory so that the other wolves know that they are intruding. Wolves usually weigh from 32kg to 62kg. They also have two layers of coats to keep them warm and protect them from injuries.

Polar Bear
The polar bear is the world’s largest land carnivore and it has a white coat, which camouflages it in the Arctic. It has a short tail and small ears to help it reduce heat loss and it is adapted for life on combination of land, sea and ice. It feeds mainly on seals, young walruses and whales, although it will eat anything it can kill. They are very aggressive and are a threat to humans. Lastly, they are at a high risk of extinction due to global warming.

The cobra is a venomous snake which inhabits tropical and desert regions of Asia and Africa. It has a hood on its neck which can flatten outwards in a threat display. Most cobras are quite large and are the prey of the mongoose, honey badger and some raptors. It has a deadly bite and only attacks humans if provoked or in other extreme circumstances which threaten its survival.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chinese 周 记


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Posting 2

I was born in 1996 and I did not start talking until 1996 December. I could only start walking in 1997 March. 3 years later, I went to my first nursery.I stayed there for 1 year before going to my first kindergarden in 2001 January. I stayed in kindergarden for anoter year after that.
In 2003, I came to Henry Park Primary School. In that year, I went on stage for the first time.In 2004, I started my first CCA and stayed in it for 2 years before changing to another CCA in 2006. I also first performed on stage in 2005.
I stayed in the same CCA in 2007. I did pretty well in my SA1s but I did badly in Maths and Science for SA2. I was quite disappointed in my marks but fortunately, my English and Chinese marks saved me. Finally, my last year in this school. I am still in the same CCA as it is too late to change. I hope that I will do well in my exams this year and go to a good school.